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Friday 28 August 2015

Know Your Neighbourhood

My uncle was planning to give us a SEAFOOD TREAT! It has been two months since I last ate Seafood. Feeling excited I was all-set from head to toes by 6 p.m.

My Make-up was ruined & I was feeling sleepyyyyy.  (Should't been ready too early).


We arrived at Fishers Tavern Seafood.  I was unaware that there's a seafood restaurant which is 5-minutes drive away from my home.  For the past months, I always go East Coast Lagoon Food Centre whenever I crave for Chilli Crab or Butter Prawn.  WHY WHY WHY ??? It's embarrassing not knowing your neighbourhood.

What about the quality of the food?

The foods were simply D E L I C I O U S!  I like Salted Egg Chicken the most. The sauce was thick and creamy like Nacho Cheese.  The Baby Squid was crispy and chewy.  The Chap Chai was not bland, perfectly seasoned.   There were 10 different types of dishes. You have to try them yourself!

Sorry I did not took any pictures because I left my personal belongings at home (key, phone, camera and etc).

Aren't you "smart" to leave them at home?

Y E S.  So that I can have precious quality time with my "Boyfriend" with no disturbance.  

For your knowledge, the restaurant is hidden.  "For those who are trying to locate us but got lost in the concrete jungle, here’s a little guide. Look out for the Green and White Building when you enter into Yishun Industrial Street 1 via Yishun Ave 6. Once you pass through the carpark gantry, head towards the car ramp. We are located directly below the car ramp. See you soon!"

My conclusion is 


Fishers Tavern Seafood has a online booking system because every weekends the place is FULLY--BOOKED.  Therefore, you can reserve one week before the actual date you intend to go.  

Good luck in finding the restaurant!

Wilin May

Sunday 14 June 2015

Review on Korean Snack - PEPERO

P E P E R O!


Pepero is a cookie stick, dipped in compound chocolate, manufactured by Lotte Confectionery in South Korea.  

"I love everything related to Korea!"

As of 2015, it is sold in 9 different flavours:

  1. Regular or Chocolate
  2. Strawberry-flavored
  3. Almond Chocolate
  4. Peanut Chocolate
  5. Nude Lemon Cheese
  6. Business Nude
  7. White Cookie Chocolate
  8. Hami Melon
  9. Tiramisu Cheese

Some flavours are not imported here.  DON'T WORRYYYY!

I am able to find four different flavours at the supermarkets such as NTUC FAIRPRICE. 

1)  Hami Melon

It is chocolate covered biscuit stick with "Hami Melon". The smell is very pleasant, like a jack fruit.  Think of it like dipping the fruit into chocolate.  The color is peach-pink, exactly the color of a hami melon. The taste lingers in your mouth for a few seconds because the melon is quite strong.

2)  White Chocolate

The flavor contains H A R M O N Y of crunchy cookies and white chocolates. It has a milky taste. Each bite has the combination of three flavors; the milk base, black bits of chocolate biscuit and the stick base which tasted really good.  It's like savouring McFlurry Oreo.

3)  Stick Biscuit & Chocolate

This flavor suits the taste bud of a chocolate-olic because the biscuits are covered with               C H O C O L A T E.  Although the visual is not that tempting, but who cares? As long as it is delicious! It is 100% chocolate, like dipping biscuit into fondue. 

4)  Nude - Filled with Soft Chocolate

The biscuits are filled with soft chocolate.   The texture is so smooth and the chocolate melts in the mouth.  It's like Reverse Pocky; instead of having creamy coating on the outside, the biscuit has tasty chocolate filling on the inside.

My favourite flavour is the White Chocolate because first, I love white chocolate more than chocolate. Second, the taste is just sooooo good that I felt in love with it on the first bite.


Wilin May

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Top 3 FAQs

Many people have been asking me questions via social medias/e-mail or face-to-face since I started Blogging.

Here're the TOP 3.

1)  How do you end up in a wheelchair?  Did you met with an accident? 

When people ask this question, I'm not a type of a person who would cry or feel sensitive. Of course, it vary according to the individual on how they would response to such question.  For me, I compensate with a sense of humour.  Believe or not, I actually laughed.  The answer that my mother & I would give facetiously is "She's always jump on the bed and then fall down on the floor!" 


OKAYYYYYY. Joke aside.

I D I D  N O T met with any accident or broke my legs.  I was born with a rare condition called Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita (what a mouthful! Can you say it?!).  When I met the world for the very first time, my legs were X-crossed as shown below.  I had at most 10 operations when I was an infant. My childhood was rather difficult.  I wish no one would go through it.  I suffered a lot but I'm blessed I am still alive. Thanks Daddy & Mother for your support & unconditional love!   
Credits: Wikipedia

2)  What made you to start a Blog?

It was a peaceful night & I was feeling bored.  Then, a R I N G I N G    S O U N D comes to mind. "Why don't I start my own blog?" 

Instead of spamming my friends' Instagram or Facebook, I decided to start writing. Not only I will be able to make good use of my free time, but also share with you about anything and everything.  

3)  Do you want to be a Full-Time Blogger?

Y E S!  I would love to be a Blogger.  It does make me happy and motivated when people read my blog! It's even more meaningful when they e-mailed me stating the topics I wrote helped them in their daily life.  What's makes it special is they even recommend topics of interest.  

I will always strive hard to be a good Blogger!  ◉‿◉

There you go. Top 3 questions asked & answered.


Wilin May

Thursday 7 May 2015

Polytechnic Survival Guides

"Life in poly is slack and full of freedom!"

I enjoyed Poly life very much and I miss the moments a lot.  However, it is not all roses and ponies.  There are assignments and projects that every students must complete to receive the Diploma Certification.  Not to mention acing the exams & tests for better GPA.

It's the month of May. With new batch of freshmen that joined last month, I decided to write a guide on Polytechnic Life.  

Do not slack off in your first year of polytechnic

This is a common mistake made by freshmen. I've been there. With the impression that polytechnic is a relaxed route, freshmen students tend to be complacent and put in less effort in their academic studies. This is a M A J O R mistake as their GPA in their first year would be poor = trying hard to pull their GPA upwards during Junior & Senior year.

Tip: Start off with a good GPA by putting in more efforts on tests, exams, assignment & projects. If the module is hard, seek help from lecturers.  They are more than willing to help.  It's a win-win situation.

Find TRUE friends who you can really trust and work with
You need friends to trust and rely on in times of need. Having them to pass/share notes when you forget to bring them, teaching you about certain modules when you are clueless, cheering you up and being there for you when you need them.  Most importantly having them as group mates are C R U C I A L.  This way we can work well because we understand each others' weaknesses and strengths.

Tip: Remember to be a good friend and help your friends out when they need it. 

When in doubt, ask your lecturers
Asking G O O D  questions shows your lecturers that you are serious about the module. It’ll also contribute to your class participation marks (take up quite a percentage of your overall grade).   If you’re the shy type of student like me, you could always drop them an email.

Tip: Listen to lectures and pay attention to the details mentioned. Things that teachers spoke from their experience are usually not recorded down in notes given.

Learn to accept life is unfair.  Some are smarter than you
Life is just like a roller coaster, full of ups and downs. There would be times where you do badly for a certain module. You have to learn to find out what went wrong, work on it and M O V E  O N. Do not harp over it and give up.

Tip: Keep pushing hard, consult your lecturers or friends and eventually you will see rainbow after heavy rains.

Find good study areas
It’s always important to find a space in which your group can work. It could be anywhere – the food court (ITAS oh yeah!), library etc.  

Tip: DON’T GET DISTRACTED! Always pay attention when your group mates are talking to you about their ideas, or you might just piss them off! Try not to use Facebook, Instagram & Twitter during group discussion.

Make the best of your life at Polytechnic!

Overall, studying in a polytechnic has its fair share of challenges and fun. Grades are important but learn to work hard and play hard. It's your decision to make that 3 years of your life into a boring or rewarding one.  As for me, I did not regret my decision into going to Temasek Poly. Everyone I met made my 3 years an awesome and fulfilling one. 

And I hope all of you enjoy your Poly life too!

Wilin May

Monday 4 May 2015

Photo Editor Apps - TOP 3

"Beauty is power; a smile is its sword"

Totally agree! But.....

L I T T L E  B I T of tweaking would not cause any harm right?

Therefore, I would like to share my 3 most favorite photo editors apps ever!

And it's F R E E!

1)  PhotoWonder

This app was recommended by my good friend (Yinglin).  I like it because there are so many cool functions that are working so perfectly well! 

I love the 'One-click' feature where it will automatically edit the picture into something beautiful without the need to navigate one by one, which can be tedious.

There are many effects and the template are rather unique. 


2)  Phonto

I love adding texts on my photos.  However, having texts with only single color can be pretty boring. F R E T  N O T! 

Phonto app gives many options of types of font and the size of your font, you can move your text wherever you want on your photo even tilt it or flip it upside down.

As a Blogger, I can easily upload a photo and add the text. Also it has a great selection of fonts, so I don't have to search and download other fonts online.


3)  PicStitch

It is a nice app to have if you want to post more than 1 picture, without spamming your friends' feeds on social media sites!

Collage quickly combine multiple photos into one beautifully framed picture! 

As you can see, there are many types of grids available (some need to pay though) which you can easily choose.

In addition, the app has filters which others might not have.


Wilin May

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Singapore Old School Snacks - 80s & 90s

“The past is never dead. It's not even past.” ― William Faulkner

The era of the eighties & nineties are the all-time favorite for many, including me. Life seemed to be a little slower, a little less stressful and much more happier.  Now, Singapore has become metropolitan city-state rated 'most liveable city in Asia'. 

We are always on the lookout for food trends such as cupcakes and churros, ditching things that are no longer attractive.

Credits: justataste

Credits: Tumblr

But there are many things that stay close to our hearts, for we grew up with them and memories of us as kids enjoying these snacks.

Let walk down memory lane together

Gem Biscuits
Credits: FoodieBaker

Ring Pops
Credits: candyfavorites

Biscuit Piring
Credits: mutsharenews

Ice Lolly Tubes
Credits: TracyZhang

White Rabbit candy
Credits: alohagourmet

Credits: flickr

Fake M&M
Credits: ladyironchef


Wilin May