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Wednesday 20 May 2015

Top 3 FAQs

Many people have been asking me questions via social medias/e-mail or face-to-face since I started Blogging.

Here're the TOP 3.

1)  How do you end up in a wheelchair?  Did you met with an accident? 

When people ask this question, I'm not a type of a person who would cry or feel sensitive. Of course, it vary according to the individual on how they would response to such question.  For me, I compensate with a sense of humour.  Believe or not, I actually laughed.  The answer that my mother & I would give facetiously is "She's always jump on the bed and then fall down on the floor!" 


OKAYYYYYY. Joke aside.

I D I D  N O T met with any accident or broke my legs.  I was born with a rare condition called Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita (what a mouthful! Can you say it?!).  When I met the world for the very first time, my legs were X-crossed as shown below.  I had at most 10 operations when I was an infant. My childhood was rather difficult.  I wish no one would go through it.  I suffered a lot but I'm blessed I am still alive. Thanks Daddy & Mother for your support & unconditional love!   
Credits: Wikipedia

2)  What made you to start a Blog?

It was a peaceful night & I was feeling bored.  Then, a R I N G I N G    S O U N D comes to mind. "Why don't I start my own blog?" 

Instead of spamming my friends' Instagram or Facebook, I decided to start writing. Not only I will be able to make good use of my free time, but also share with you about anything and everything.  

3)  Do you want to be a Full-Time Blogger?

Y E S!  I would love to be a Blogger.  It does make me happy and motivated when people read my blog! It's even more meaningful when they e-mailed me stating the topics I wrote helped them in their daily life.  What's makes it special is they even recommend topics of interest.  

I will always strive hard to be a good Blogger!  ◉‿◉

There you go. Top 3 questions asked & answered.


Wilin May

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