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Monday 13 April 2015

Careers vs Job: following your passion

“Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs.” —Farrah Gray

We work to find source of income for us & our family.  We need money to spend on groceries, food, transportation fees and etc. However many of us are "forced" to put the passion aside and work for a job that does not define who you really are.  It is common nowadays because not all have the luxury to choose their dream career.  

But who's knows perhaps the job that you don't like at first, you will like it in the end. It takes time but eventually you will get there.  If after few years & you realize that maybe its not your thing, it time to look for other options.  Still, never quit before you get the other job.  Execute a plan.

Of course if you manage to find your dream career, good for you! Don't take it for granted because not everyone are as lucky as you.  

Wilin May  

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