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Wednesday 8 April 2015

Makan Time! -- Fine Dining

"You don't need a silver fork to eat good food."

That's right.  Food are available everywhere, anytime. You don't need to spend hundreds of dollar on fine dining.

Some ways to protect your wallet are:
  • Look for good deals at their website
  • It is encouraged to patron during lunchtime because most restaurants has one-for-one offer. Thumbs up!
  • Ask for plain water (save $) & also it is a healthier choice
  • Ask each person to share the bill. (Duh!)

Since I'm a food enthusiastic, I love to travel around Singapore looking for good food. However one issue I always face and cautious about is whether the restaurant is accessible or if is there enough space so that I could easily enter and take a seat. 

Also, whether if I can have the table that would not disrupt the service. So usually before I arrive, I would make a reservation.  

Make it a habit to search online regarding the restaurant's interior and exterior design. If unsure, call the restaurant directly. They would be glad to address your concerns. 


Wilin May

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